Description and Reasons

We are three mothers and we are part of the Andrea Bocelli Foundation’s large family: Silvia, CFO and administrative manager of the Foundation, and Daniela and Silvia C., atelieristas of the network of ABF schools in Italy.

We have decided to personally get involved as promoters of the Art & Music Lab and the Digital Lab because, as moms, we strongly believe in the importance of the Foundation’s educational labs for supplementing and enriching the learning processes of our children. Take part too and share this initiative with all your friends!


It was developed from the awareness that the natural tendency of children to share images, thoughts and emotions though communicative means based on complex rhythmic and melodic forms must be supported through environments that are rich and compelling in terms of opportunities for exploration, building and sharing.

DIGITAL Laboratory
Following on from and in parallel with the implementation of the Art & Music Labs projects – centered around the expressive languages of art and music as resources for fostering, supporting and promoting the talent of every child – ABF is promoting the use of new educational technologies in its school network: a precious tool for communication and curricular integration, with the aim of improving quality and advancing educational innovation.
